Maria Majellaro
Dr. Maria Majellaro obtained her PhD as “Doctor Europeus” in the Department of Pharmacy in the University of Bari (Italy) in 2018. During her PhD, she spent about one year as predoctoral visiting student in CIQUS research center-Campus of International Excellence in Santiago de Compostela (Spain), where she returned in 2018 to work as Post-doctoral research associate, in the group of Prof. Eddy Sotelo. Since Celtarys constitution (2021), as Chief Scientific Officer of the company, she leads the generation of Celtarys fluorescent ligands and custom development projects, also managing all the scientific collaborations of Celtarys inside and outside Europe. Her scientific expertise is focused on organic synthesis and medicinal chemistry, especially in the field of GPCR modulators. She has strongly contributed to the development and validation of the Celtarys proprietary synthetic technology being one of author of the patent and Co-founder of the company.
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